Training Options
We are continuously developing training options to meet specific demands of organisations that wish to empower their management, or professionals who want to up-skill in respect of labour law or related legal aspects.
Below are some of the workshops that we offer on an in-house basis or as public webinars from time to time. Our workshops are live and highly interactive, with strategic legal guidance and practical tools and tips.
In development

Michael Worsnip
MD: Maropeng
As MD at Maropeng, I have come to rely on the wisdom, the knowledge and the straightforward legal directness of Judith Griessel. Judith is able to make legal complexity understandable to non-legal minds, in a way which is both useful and reliable. She speaks in an ordinary way when she needs to. Yet what she says is always based on a solid legal foundation. I have no doubt the courses she offers are of immense use and value.

Jan Snyman
Head: Labour & Employment Law at Sasol South Africa
I know Judith as a highly intelligent person with strong business acumen and passion for her work. She takes pride in delivering only the best calibre of work and places the client's interest upfront. Being in the industry a long time and experiencing labour law from all angles, she is a safe harbour for obtaining guidance or advice from.

Shanitha Singh
HR Executive
Judith's training sessions are amazing, always pitched at the right level and she ensures that everyone has understood all the concepts before she finished the course. I highly recommend Judith and will ensure that all my staff and managers go through her training. She is the best labour consultant I have ever had the privilege of working with.

Andre Claassen
MD: SA LabourGuide
I have known Judith as an advocate and an expert in employment law. I have first-hand knowledge of her ability as a speaker at events hosted by SA Labour Guide, where the feedback has always been very positive. Judith is also a respected contributor on our LinkedIn Group and provides regular advice. She can be commended for her ability to explain very difficult subject matters in such a way that everybody can understand. The online training solutions of Griessel Consulting is an excellent initiative that I can recommend and that will in my opinion without a doubt be one of the leaders in the field.